Legal/Ethical Compliance

Copyright and Fair Use

When it comes to putting stuff on the web, you have to play by the rules, especially regarding copyright and fair use. Copyright laws protect text, images, videos, and code, giving the creators special rights. Fair use lets us use some copyrighted stuff without asking for special permission, like critiquing, teaching, or doing research.

Web designers must get permission or licenses before using other people's work. And if they use something under fair use, you must give credit where it's due. If not, you could end up in trouble, facing fines, or even getting sued. But it's not just about following the law – being ethical means being honest and respectful. Designers need to respect the rights of others and avoid copying or using their work without asking. When putting stuff online, think about these things to keep your and others' reputations in good shape.

Website Security

With so much happening online, keeping websites safe is super important. There are all kinds of risks, like hackers, viruses, and stealing data, that can mess things up and hurt a website's reputation.

To keep websites secure, developers need to use strong security measures, like special codes and secure logins. We've also got to keep checking for any weak spots and fixing them up fast. Testing and using tools like firewalls can help spot and stop any bad stuff happening to our website. By making security a big deal and taking action to protect our website, we can keep people's info safe and make them feel good about using it. A secure website keeps data safe and makes people trust and feel good about using it.